Went to see the Ides Of March performed by Ngee Ann
Polytechnic pupils
Let's just say these people don't know how to sing and got
their facts wrong.
but it was quite a good show in all. Although i have to say
i like musical with a bit more music and dance in it......
about me
I am : Inane, Insane, Indelicate, In Depression, In Melancholy, In Happiness.....IT'S ALL ABOUT THE I.
Champa Ha, otherwise known as Rhiannon Merlin.
Avid Fan of Hetalia , Yaoi, reading, Prussia and Canada,Music, Monty Python, cool lines and everything that's cold.
Strong believer of Magic and witchcraft, and knows that she can be irritating and insane.
Now, before you get cursed by the Knights who say "Ni", yell that you're pining for the Fjords 100x