despite my earlier misgivings which i had before i wrote this post,i realized that there is hope for me after all.i was feeling depressed after yesterday.(horrible,i hate it when ppl hate me.)then i received a testi monial which made me feel better.thanks logen.
what were my misgivings?
all along i had managed to , not too sucessfully,if you know me,try and delude myself into thinking there was no hope of me being a y.j.,to parrims,to mei mei,xinhui......anyone.
i was sucessful in thinking i was as useful to a person as an air con attached to a motorcycle.silly i know.
but as i read the testimonial,i suddenly realized that maybe there was hope for me after all.
now i have serious good of a fren am i?i insult ppl without reason.i'm feeling really guilty now as i was convinced that logen(really no offense kay man?)was kinda ...i won;t say it ,i hate myself for thinking of that of a fren.
i feel guilt now .
return to me salvation ,oh great athena.
about me
I am : Inane, Insane, Indelicate, In Depression, In Melancholy, In Happiness.....IT'S ALL ABOUT THE I.
Champa Ha, otherwise known as Rhiannon Merlin.
Avid Fan of Hetalia , Yaoi, reading, Prussia and Canada,Music, Monty Python, cool lines and everything that's cold.
Strong believer of Magic and witchcraft, and knows that she can be irritating and insane.
Now, before you get cursed by the Knights who say "Ni", yell that you're pining for the Fjords 100x