i forgave the idiot for standing me up. he's a bit depressed cause of something happening so i forgae him. anyway, if i lose him as a fren....well, i would wish him the best of luck in whatever he does....but will miss him terribly...( u didn't hear tt , get it!)
anyway, i was supposed to blog yesterday....but gwen was in a bit of a pms mood and chased me off the com.....i didn't do anything so it was kind of a shock to see her chasing me off. watched 200 pounds beauty yesterday....i was touced at the last part...i cried a bit at the end...(once again , you did not see tt).
today was hilarious. my cousin vanessa locked herself inside the room and could get out....we called everyone from uncle and auntie to the neighbours next door. in the end, we called the locksmith....i kept laughing at the stupidity of the situation. last year, casandra and i locked ourselves into the house and we couldn't get out cause we couldn't find the keys...our tuition teacher laughed at us when we caled him for help! i cannot believe the nerve of him!
found this quiz on melinda's blog. shall do it.
start time: 2319 hours
2 Name: Ha Thuc Champa
3. Nickname: Rhiannon Merlin / ginji / chumpa/ others.....
4. Astrology sign: Leo
5. Gender: xx chromosone running through my body....
6. Hair color: Shiny Black
7. Eye color: i wish it was black , but there is no such thing as tt , so i would have to say dark brown.
8. Height: 166 cm
9. Favorite color: Green and blue. the really icy version of them.
1o. Glasses: wearing them, but i lose them easily.
11. tattoos: i want one of vines of my arm.
12. Birthplace: Mt Elizabeth Hospital
14. TRUE friends : 7.
******HAVE YOU EVER*****
15. Cut your own hair? : yes...and i shaved part of my eyebrows too once.
16. Done something in the past and regretted?: yeah..volunteering to unclog the toilet.
17. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to?: yes.
18. Skipped school? : once, but tt was to help my mom, who had backbone problems and couldn't walk.
19. Bungee jumped? :i wish i could. then again, maybe not.
2o. Punched someone? : yes , in the arm. max says i punch like a girl though.
21. Cheated on someone? : by the great goddess athena, i hope not.
22. Been arrested? : i'm proud to say , i have never been arrested....heheheheh....
23. Broken into someones house?: my own house.i broke into my own house cause i lost my keys...i ripped my school skirt!!!! everyone laughed at me!
24. Been to a funeral? : Yes. this year too.
25. Used a lighter? yeah....was trying to light a bunsen burner...should have used match sticks.
26. Season: Autumn and Winter
27. Ice cream flavor: hm.....chocolate and fruit flavours
28. School Subject(s) : literature!!! and history too!
29. Candy:anything with sugar...except those sour sweets.
3o. Breakfast:anything except sandwiches.
31. Juice: watermelon
32. Book(s): you just asked the wrong person about this topic.
33. Movie(s): ditto above
34. Song(s): ditto above
35. Letter(s): S, C, R , E , A, M.
36. Favorite fast food restaurant: McDonald's/
37. Disney Princess: Not a princess , but i love Mulan the best.
38. TV station: Channel 5 , kids and arts central
39. Name for a son: no kids!!! i dun wanna have kids!
4o. Name for a daughter:or get married either....
*****DO YOU PREFER*****
41. Chocolate or Vanilla? : MMM....Chocolate
42. Alcoholic or not? : not.
43. Scary movies or comedies? : Comedies...as long as they can really make me laugh.
44. Short or long hair? : Long hair that bounces like the dude in shrek...
45. Croutons or bacon bits? : bacon bits!!!
46. Mexicans in general: tortillas.
47. School: blue.
48. Grass: green...
49. Cow: chewing the grass.
5o. Canada: my dream home...
51. Mouse: hamsters....
52. Hands: drawing them.
******THE PAST 3 DAYS, HAVE YOU******
53. Watched a movie? : yeah...200 pounds beauty
54. Talked on the phone?: yeah. my mom .
55. Cried? : yeah . the last scene of 200 pounds beauty.
56. Choked?: i pride myself tt i have never done so .
57. Drank a glass of water? : yeah...and a huge bottle of it too.
58. Done Drugs? : how could you accuse me of such a thing?
59. Read a book or magazine? : yeah!! i brought over a lot more too from my house!
6o. Watched TV? : yeah...be strong , geum soon
61. Looked in the mirror?: gods , i love myself....
62. Taken a shower? : if i dun , i stink.
63. Taken a picture? : photographer in the making here!
64. Listened to music? : my blog music....
65. Kissed someone? : my stuffed cats aaron and marisol.
66. Told someone you liked them: i wish i could...but i really can't.
67. End time: 2340 hours
by the way, max and rafe seem to be of the same mind lately....both keep asking me things of the future....to be honest...i tried to help them...but i can't see my own future myself....the path is so foggy...reminds me of the poem by robert frost" the road not taken."
max especially seems kinda lost...but both frens are questioning whether their next steps now would be beneficial to them in the future.
i wish i can help them. for now...all i can do is support them when they need me....
mom seems intent on me wearing a dress to attend aunt gillian's step daughter's wedding next year.
i already balked at the idea, but mom says i have to go...sigh...at least the dress isn't pink...i hope no one at school can see me...especially max...he'll torture the hell out of me....but then again, my daughter is cute in tt way...
( you did nt hear me say tt . really.)