It's the last episode of the SAW Parodies!and the best part is, the introduction is by a person who were all admire, scream in happiness and is oh so drop dead gorgeous.....Melvin Chew!*
*Yes , i know, u guys are vommitting out there, dun think i can't see u. Unfortunately, he threatened to sue me and tear off the sticker off my laptop if i dun call him tt...stupid actor.
M: Hello, everybody, it's ME! His Royal Highness Of The Royal Moo Family, the one tt everybody loves and admires!
Champa: Oh brother.....
M: Yes, after getting killed off in the first episode, which by the way , was sooooooo unprecendented by the author...
C: wow...u know unprecendented? Not too bad , for a himbo.
M: excuse me? I happen to be a superstar in my own right!
C: Go and suck on your salt dispenser!~
M: Why Should i!
( The two start arguing, resulting in a bazooka being taken out and girlish screams in the background . Champa holding the bazooka starts shooting and melvin, who has the most girly screams sometimes,starts running. Joyce and Laurent come on screen.)
JOYCE: Leave them lah.....aiyoh....why always like tt one!
LAURENT: I also say.
J; so anyway, we're going to start on the last segment of the SAW parodies, which , where we last saw the remaining sheep, they were confronted with the last test....
L: and joyce got killed off, of course.
J: does tt mean i had to become a lamb chop!
L: ....u just got hit by a giant block of ice, u dun need to become food....
J: phew...
L: So i guess we better start now.....
( background...little fires are starting....joyce starts running to go and put out the fires and laurent runs off to help.)LJ: i am!
L: yeah....
Lj: This is me!
C: uhhuh....
LJ: I come into this world so proud and free!!!!
L: erm....u can stop singing now...
Lj: Sorry, anyway,This is it... the final test...
C: like the final final final one?
LJ: Why does this happen all the time.....LET ME FINISH ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!
C: Sorry,Fiona....
Lj: It's Lady jigsaw, not Fiona!
C: Crabby , more like...
L: Look, how do we get past this last test...
LJ: Well, its really fairly simple. only ONE will get out of this trap alive...
L: darn...well, whatever it is, sorry champa, but you're kinda irritating sometimes, so i'm voting u out....i's nothing personal, i just wanna have the title of Survivor " SaW" ...(theme song of survivor plays.....)
C: Santa's so better not have seen tt, or you're not getting any presents this year!
L: Oh yeah, i bet you when he comes , i'm going to get better presents than u!
C: Sez you, doofus!
LJ: well well well, let's play a game....whoever wins this WILL indeed get to be alive, but whoever should fail this will of course , die. Oh yeah, and never see santa again.
LJ; Wait, when did i even...
L: You're mean!!!
LJ: I never said anything about....
C: tt's it, laurent! she may have made us choose between ourselves on who to kill, but tt's it! she killed santa, so let's prove her wrong!
LJ: Oh boy...
L: Yeah!
LJ: wait....champa i can understand , but u laurent?
L: hey, i love santa too!
LJ: From a military junkie, tt's unexpected!
C: we're going to help each other get through the last segment as revenge!
L: Yeah!
C: then when tt happens, we're gonna beat u up!
L: Yeah!
C: Then we're going to buy a sealion and name it Fiona! after u!
L: Yea...wait,sealion?
C: So just tell us what we're going to have ta do, cause we're going to defeat u anyway!
Lj: Such passion....oh yeah! the test! Okay, what you need to do is easy! i just need enough blood to fill up this beaker!from u guys of course! the blood is needed to activate the door lock, which only responds to blood to open! and if u don't get enough blood to open the door, that lock will seal shut permanently! and the VX gas which i got will permeate and u guys will just have to wait to die!!!!
L: Such a happy individual....
C: She got Melvingitis, all right....the disease tt'll make even the sanest person mad....not tt Fiona was even sane in the first wonder she started this game....she's gona really insane! and this thing is very dangerous, with a high fatality rate....she wants to kill us as she does! i mean, like...she wants us to die along with her.
L: And u know this how?
C: the exclaimation marks.only a person tt has this, or melvin himsef, would use tt many exclamation marks.
L:it all makes sense now....
L: erm, why are u so mad?
LJ: I just wanted attention.
C: so , u want us to fill up the beaker with our blood. what did u supply us to do so>?
LJ: The hacksaws, of course! They're right next to the beaker!
L: So u want us to make a cut to fill up tt beaker?
LJ: Of course not! i need you two to cut off your hands!
(Lame bird from the past episode returns, flying above the two dumbfounded kids with little dots behind him. Somewhere outside, Joyce is riding a random llama which appeared a few days ago eating grass . Melvin is playing a sad song on the erhu. Dun ask why al these people have sudden;y appeared. I'm just the storyteller. they give me a commission for each story i make, so i might as well make the best out of it)
L: OkAay, i'll do it! but only for Santa!
C: Only for santa!
(Both them immediately get to work on sawing their hands off, working off their rage for the apparently killed of Santa...Background music:" Another way to die by alicia keyes and jack white" hey, for once, this sort of thing sorta suits a torture scene in James Bond, so we might as well use it. I'm waiting for advertsing fees from them!)
L: wow...i never realized that there was so much blood in our arms.....
C: Speak for you think we...
L; I think we did...
( they look at the beaker, which is filled with red liquid which can only be blood.)
L: Okay, so what we do now is....
C; To be frank, i have no idea.
JOYCE:( in a ghostly voice) use the blood........use the blood....
L: joyce, you're alive!
C: wait a minute, tt's just her voice.
L: whatever ...she just said " use the blood"!
Joyce: use the blood....
Melvin: ( also in ghostly voice) pour it on the hole at the top of the door....
L: aren't u two dead?
Melvin: we needed the was coming...
Joyce: and i wanted to buy a sheep of my own!
Melvin: and my LV!
c: okay, so what, we pour this at the hole and it activates the doorlock?
L: Yeah.....erm...can u give me a hand here? i only have one hand now....
C: here!( gives him the hand she chopped off)
L: (trying best to not kill her with the hacksaw) i mean ,the hand tt's working....i need two hands for this...the hand i didn't cut off and the hand u didn't cut off
C: OH! i see
( so L and C pour the blood inside the door hole)
( door opens . like magic. whoopee)
C: FREE!!!
l: for christma.......( faints on the floor)
C: dude, seriously,. i think you're going to die soon..
l: no i'm not !
C: dude, you're lying on the floor
L: i'm getting better!
C: you're bleeding profusely...
L: No i'm not!
C: and you have no right arm!
C: well, let's just face it. you're bleeding badly, the door's open but you can't move out, and to make it worse, you're in denial. what joy and what happiness later.
( no sound from laurent. died from the blood loss. so much for fleah wound.)
C: great, leave me all alone....( faints too)
( 6 o clock hits...which reminds me , i forgot to mention about the deadline...ah wel, forget it. anyway,the door opens, and Lady Jigsaw finally comes out....funny thing , really,she's riding a tricycle, when she can ride a bicycle on her own without the training wheels....anyway, she's riding out, all so happy, waving ike the woman from the ms universe pageant , wearing a crown and flowers....who gave her those? I have no idea.)
LJ: hmm, yes, most of my victims are dea.....hey wait a body knows what happened to champa. whatever happened to her?! darn it, i wanted her to live! i needed one to live!
Narrator: well, tt was easy. champa fainted, but she later woke up to realise tt she was still alive. then , when she did, she went to get a fake hand put in, and fought her father darth vader. she's now currentl;y living as the pioneer jedi master who started the jedi school after a long while later!
LJ: yeah well...hey wait a minute! tt's what happened to luke skywalker from the return of the jedi in star wars! what the hell!!!!
Narrator: hey, she can do whatever she want....(background turns back to narrator, and we finally see her face for's champa, eating a strawberry sundae) she's the coolest character i ever had to write for.
well....IT'S DONE~!
Analytical Thinker (AT)
Analytical Thinkers are reserved, quiet persons. They like to get to the bottom of things - curiosity is one of their strongest motives. They want to know what holds the world together deep down inside. They do not really need much more to be happy because they are modest persons. Many mathematicians, philosophers and scientists belong to this type. Analytical Thinkers loathe contradictions and illogicalness; with their sharp intellect, they quickly and comprehensively grasp patterns, principles and structures. They are particularly interested in the fundamental nature of things and theoretical findings; for them, it is not necessarily a question of translating these into practical acts or in sharing their considerations with others. Analytical Thinkers like to work alone; their ability to concentrate is more marked than that of all other personality types. They are open for and interested in new information.
Analytical Thinkers have little interest in everyday concerns - they are always a little like an “absent-minded professor” whose home and workplace are chaotic and who only concerns himself with banalities such as bodily needs when it becomes absolutely unavoidable. The acknowledgement of their work by others does not play a great role for them; in general,they are quite independent of social relationships and very self-reliant. Analytical Thinkers therefore often give others the impression that they are arrogant or snobby - especially because they do not hesitate to speak their mind with their often harsh (even if justified) criticism and their imperturbable self-confidence. Incompetent contemporaries do not have it easy with them. But whoever succeeds in winning their respect and interest has a witty and very intelligent person to talk to. A partner who amazes one with his excellent powers of observation and his very dry humour.
It takes some time before Analytical Thinkers make friends, but then they are mostly friends for life. They only need very few people around them. Their most important ability is to be a match for them and thus give them inspiration. Constant social obligations quickly get on their nerves; they need a lot of time alone and often withdraw from others. Their partner must respect this and understand that this is not due to the lack of affection. Once they have decided in favour of a person, Analytical Thinkers are loyal and reliable partners. However, one cannot expect romance and effusive expressions of feelings from them and they will definitely forget their wedding anniversary. But they are always up to a night spent with stimulating discussions and a good glass of wine!
Adjectives which describe your type
introverted, theoretical, logical, spontaneous, rational, analytical, intellectual, sceptical, pensive, critical, quiet, precise, independent, creative, inventive, abstract, eccentric, curious, reserved, self-involved, imaginative, unsociable, determined, modest, careful, incommunicative, witty
i think i need some time to think about this.somewhat, when they were calculating this, i think they forgot al about the insanity i usually basically, when i was doing this, i realised tt my personality is very bipolar.everything tt was me in the introverted part was the same in the extroverted part, equal i took it again, this time using the other side of me...
and i got this.
Groundbreaking Thinker (GT)
Groundbreaking Thinkers are charming, enthusiastic persons. They really bubble over with energy and like to take centre stage. They love variety both professionally and privately. Groundbreaking Thinkers tackle changes consistently with their optimism and firm belief in their own abilities; they are always on the look-out for improvement possibilities. Their excellent communication skills are of great advantage to them here. They approach the world with curiosity and openness and master new situations with a great deal of talent for improvising and with resourcefulness. Their spare time is taken up with a large number of hobbies; most Groundbreaking Thinkers like to travel in order to gather as many different impressions as possible. This personality type is unbeatable at discovering new possibilities.
In their work, Groundbreaking Thinkers highly rate challenges and diversified tasks. They cannot stand routine and too detailed work. They love to astound others with bold ideas for an original, new project and then leave it up to the others to implement them. Hierarchies, rules and regulations arouse their opposition and they love outsmarting the system. It is vital to them that they enjoy their work; if this is the case, they quickly become pure workaholics. Their creativity best takes effect when they work independently; but they are very good at motivating others and infecting them with their optimistic nature. Conceptual or advisory activities appeal especially to Groundbreaking Thinkers. It can happen that some people feel somewhat duped by their flexible, spontaneous nature.
Their sociability and enterprise ensure that Groundbreaking Thinkers always have a large circle of friends and acquaintances in which activity plays an important role. As they are mostly in a good mood, they are popular and very welcome guests. Grumbling and peevishness are unknown to them. However, they do tend to be a little erratic and unstable when it comes to obligations and this makes them appear to be unreliable to some. Groundbreaking Thinkers are very critical and demanding when it comes to picking a partner because they look for the ideal relationship and have a very concrete picture of this ideal relationship. Mutual aims in life are very important to them. They do not like compromising and would rather remain alone. For the partner, it is often a challenge to have a long-term relationship with a Groundbreaking Thinker. Groundbreaking Thinkers need a lot of space and diversity or otherwise they become bored and feel cramped. Types who are rather more traditionalistic often have problems with the willingness of Groundbreaking Thinkers to take risks and their often crazy, spontaneous actions. However, if one can summon up sufficient flexibility and tolerance for them, one will never be bored in their presence and will always have a loyal and faithful partner.
Adjectives which describe your type
extroverted, theoretical, logical, spontaneous, rational, innovative, intellectual, open, independent, curious, enterprising, analytical, clever, enthusiastic, venturesome, inventive, energetic, sociable, optimistic, non-conformist, creative, freedom-loving, charming, able to get enthusiastic, self-confident, communicative, capricious, inconsistent, outgoing
fantastic. I'm either an analytical thinker or a ground breaking one. wow. am i really tt bipolar? u guys can decide. i'm going of to finish the last segment of lady jigsaw's The SAW Parodies.... be right back folks.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Its only been 2 days.....
and already i am kinda lonely.
so, i went out and decided to enjoy the sea today while taking a ferry today.the sea breeze is amazing at this time of the year.... with the wind whipping my hair around, the air is actually wonderful.
however, i'm actualy fostering feeings of lonliness.
there's no one to joke with, no one to bully. No one to play with, and no one to cook food and feed me, even if it's only instant noodles......
for tt matter, now tt i think about it......
i want this!!!!! can we have this!!!!! i want a thanksgiving dinner, with pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes!!!!! and since we're at it let's add in some melted marshmallows to go with it?!!!!!!!
sorry, ignore me for a min...i'm just kinda hungry and kinda lonely.
so i'm gonna leave some notes for some people tt i know :
Fiona: Eat one plate of char kway teow for me can? i've been eating some soup, but i kinda miss the fried stuff.on the plus side, they have tt new shrimp burger at macs.but i have this terrible sore throat, so i can't eat it yet!
Melvin: Please, please, please, for the love of god, do not tear out the sticker on my computer. Arum Est Potestas means Gold is Power, i'm trying to get more money if i write it down and stick it somewhere! i miss your cooking , though i have to admit , u use too much salt the way, i forgot, how many bottles of the cream am i supposed to buy? i have no idea, cause my memory is darn terrible.can u ask your mom for me? thanks.
Joyce: i need a giant plane to get me to the bahamas.can u fly me one?I'm pining for the fjords. which is weird, cause there are no fjords in the bahamas. ignore me, i'm just one char kway teow for me too. In case fiona forgets.
Laurent: Strawberry jelly!!!!! cranberry sauce!!!!! turkey!!! mash potatoes!!!! pumpkin pie!!!!!!!..........darn it, i wanna be an american.or christmas to come earlier.centerpiece in the middle of the table should be in the shape of a sheep . or a cat. a cat ear wearing sheep? or a sheep coat wearing cat? can we take a vote on tt?by the way, i forgot to mention, THERE ARE TONS OF CATS LIVING IN MY NEIGHBOURHOOD.Its not nicknamed cat's street for nothing.
why is it tt most of it's related to food? i tt hungry?i just had dinner, but it was only beehoon.....
argh, where is everybody?
i so need a fren....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hello, guys, i'm right now in HK and i miss everybody...
There's a differemce between life in singapore and life in hong kong.
i have always agreed with this, but was never able to point out why.
until today, after watching the roads.
life in singapore, for example, is mostly straight.The rules are simple. Go the straight route, and you can survive.
understandable, actually.its tt straightforward. we just go straight in our lives, walking so quickly cause we know what to expect...its just right in front of us. a few turns here and there, but mostly, they're things we can handle.
true bred singaporeans know this, and it can be seen in their personalities as well.
thanks to our forefathers, our lives are straightforward and simple. no major twists , maybe a couple, but they can be handled.its because of this simplicity that people get by easier here. and there's not much need for noisy talk or hectic lives.....or maybe to a certain extent...gosh i always wondered why....
People, born and bred in hk, however, are different.
we are brash.
we are loud.
the roads, here are twisted, turned, and sometimes u have to go around in circles....
nobody can really tell just what's ahead of them, so everyday its more hectic...there's more confusion, more noise, more time to actually figure out how to get around.the government doesn't really help much, they were the ones who made ot this way in the first place.
thus,c'est a difference!
the hong kongers are thus more complex. the twists and turns on the roads are reflected in the way they present themselves. when in sadness, pretnd tt your not. when in trouble,your pride gets in the way, and we show one face to protect ourselves, of how we really feel. we become more expectant of the unexpected, reacting to it loudly, and passionately.we beat around the bush when we discusss things, we twist and turn what we say, and in turn, we become more like kueh lapis...layer, after layer, after l;ayer ....
there's a reason why protests are more interesting in hk .
and for tt matter, the news here too.
i think i can understand just where most of my personality now comes from.....
smiles, i am here.
by the way, my computer is with my brother melvin now while i;m in hk.
for this matter, if u see anything weird, tell me, and i will know what to do....ignore the first was him too.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
THAT'S IT People!
When we last left our heroes/ victims/ sacrificial lambs, they have just been introduced to LADY JIGSAW, an insane lady who trapped her friends into a building and killed f one of them. She was just about to reveal her plan when...
LAURENT: I wish we wouldn't be called lambs, sheep are actually playful and very cute....
JOYCE: I wish i had a pet sheep. I'll name her Oreo cheesecake.......
CHAMPA: OKAY, let me finish up the story! It's taken me nearly ten years to pick up the keyboard again!
C: Dude, i killed u off in the last segment of the story! Stay dead!
M:Why should i ?! I'm like totally the star in this little sojourn of yours! and those needles sticking out of me in the last episode! So not good for my drop dead gorgeous face! and by the way, my fans out there want to see more of me!
C: Temperamental sheep...i mean actors....Lady Jigsaw: As you know, I am the Lady Jigsaw, and to fulfil that role, I have to make sacrifices. Like you guys.
C; we're the sacrficial lambs?
LJ: Precisely.
L : We shouldn't have let her watch the saw series that many times....
J: Now i know how Bambi feels....
LJ: SO ANYWAY........The test is this.....
C; Alliteration!
C: Fine, Fiona.....
Lj: Fiona ja nai! Jigsaw da!
L: Who let her watch Gintama?
Lj: I'm going to let you young children run around this building so that you'll be able to find the exit...
J; That's good!
Lj: But that also means that I'll be setting traps all around the building to see how careful you can play this game.....
J: That's Bad!
LJ: But if you find it, you'll be able to escape.
J; That's good!
LJ: However tp get to that exit, there will be one final test to prove you're worthy. And by the way, you have until 6...
J: That's Bad!
Lj: Which is three hours away, plenty of time to get out..
J: That's good!
Lj: However, if failure happens, the door will seal shut and a particular gas called VX will permeate around the building.
J: ( stunned)
LJ: That;s bad.
C: Can we go home now? I don't particular fancy the VX gas...
L: Oh shit...VX?
C: Is it as bad as we taught?
L: Its a nerve agent. But can be corrosive when there is contact with skin.
J: Just as well, i was expecting happy gas.
L: The victim dies by the shutdown of his organs . The nerve effect would cause him to spasm so hard he breaks his back spills out the guts.
C; O....kay...expected of Fiona.
LJ: Lady Jigsaw!
L: And that's after the skin melts off!
J: How the hell did she get that?!
L: I gave it to her.....
( silence. crickets chirp. A lame bird, unlike the one which i do while playing the animal game flies by. Melvin the dead person warbles a bit of Ken Lee)
J+ C:
YOU DID WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!L: I gave her the information on how it worked and where to find it. I wasn't expecting her to run forit!
C: ( Pummels Laurent)
J: Champa , we can kill Laurent later. She'll want us to run around a bit first...
C: Like Bambi?
J: i was thinking more of the sheep in england....but Bambi is fine too.....
C: oh joy...
L: ow......can we run around now...
J: customary running around it is!
( THE NEXT SEGMENT IS LEFT TO YOUR OWN includes running, jumping, swimming, sledding, swinging and some bit of it cross dressing and doing the macarena.Music in the back grouund is of course, appropriate music for a story like this while running....Hot 'N" Cold by Katy Perry.Hey, u watch the video, it has this really cool chase scene...! )
J: Good lord, now i'm tired.....where are we?
L: Gee,i dunno....wait, why would i know?! i dun even know how i got here anyway!
C: maybe if we can remember how we were brought here, it would help us!
J:okay, now let's see, what was i doing...
( Flashback: Joyce is in her room, playing Conquer.....
J: The internet is for porn, the internet is for porn!Why you think the net was born ? Porn porn porn.....
She plays for a bit, then she hears this sound behind.
J: Hello? who's there?
She turns around, sees a little stuffed sheep.
Sheeps baas, then shoots bananas at her.
J: OW!
suddenly, bananas fall from the sky, filling up the room . she tries to fight it....but she loses consciousness ...)
J: okay, sheep are evil now.
( Laurent thinks back.....
Zi char store....
L: auntie, sam lo hor fun yi ge, jia la jiao.
Random auntie: or, okay, boy boy, u sit and wait ...
Laurent sits and wait.after 30 mins, he realizes that there might be a possibility that his hor fun is not coming...
L: auntie? wah eh hor fun leh?
Walks to the stall, the auntie smiles and him, then throws a potato sack on him and knocks him unconscious with a wok.)
L: i wouldn't be so mad if she didn;t cheat me out of my hor fun.....
(Champa's thinking back.....
Walking back home...
C: Lalalallalall ...i've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, here they are a standing in a row....
Suddenly, fiona calls her via handphone
F: hey, champa! can i borrow a book? Trinity Blood, if u have it...
C; This is the best day of my life.....
Champa thus goes to her shelf and get the book....but on her way, she trips over a box and falls, hitting her head...
C: where did that box come from?)
C: so basically, i fell down. good job....
J: darn , this is so not getting us anywhere!
L: hor fun......
C: maybe if we walk that way , we'll find the exit!
J:'re pointing ...why?
C: well, for many reasons, inclusive of my gut feeling and my love for pointing north east....but also maybe cause there's a sign there that says, " this way doofus."
J: subtle....ever so subtle....
C: well, what are we waiting for? let's move!
J: we're already running and leaving u behind, chums....
C; darn these subtle people! what is this ? bambi?!
J: ARGH!!!!!!!
(Champa runs,to catch up. she then sees that joyce has fallen, head first, onto the ground, two great ice blocks on her head which might be the cause of the pool of blood....She turns to laurent...)
L; she was running, then she accidently hit the fishing thread overthere....( pointing to some line) and the ice blocks hit her from the top.
C: darn, and we were so close to ending....
L: what do u mean?
C: well , the author was getting tired of writing, and wanted to play pet society as well as read before getting ready for the fest. so she was thinking of ending this episode right about here cause this would be the part where we found the exit into the last test and stuff..........
L: Yeah, right....this is not some sort of sitcom....this is real life....
( THEY WALK FORWARD, AND REALISE THAT THEY SEE A DOOR....laurent opens it, and he sees a gadget, with a tape recorder that says " play me" . what does he do, but plays it.)
Lj:well well well, you've made it this far.i've been viewing your paths from this camera and i have to say , i am impressed.....but this is the last test....can u do it? we'll find out in next week's episode of SAW: MY version!
( both look at each other.)
C: i told u so.
and tt concludes this week's episode!
Friday, November 21, 2008
i just shot myself in the foot again!!!!
update from before! check the old post to compare!
okay, i redid my skin.
however, its only on a probation of a month. if it doesn't irritate me after a month, it'll stay.
i kinda like my green old one though. it will come back once in a while, hahahahhahahah!
by the way, i'm learning how to play chess now!
yay to me!
Things you can learn in one day....
1) the fact is, when u wake up next to a laptop, there is a high chance you can see your own reflection. and when tt happens, pls do not go into shock, or even worse, think you look pretty when u wake up. its only an illusion.
2) do not, under any circumstances,rush your way through life . life is to be taken one thing at a time. spend sometime of tt with a strawberry ice cream sundae.
3) sun is never a good thing.
4) watching your best fren/brother cook is fascinating. especially when he's making creamy carbonara pasta .
5) watching him bicker with his sister who's making meatballs is extremely funny too.
6) your best fren may be a good cook, but watching him shop for ingredients and looking for that which is cheap is much like watching an uncle go to the market. consequently, when u realise that his other habits are also very uncle like( smoking, drinking tea, buying 4 d ) , u may start laughing hysterically at him.
7) literature is fun.
8) when your brother is teaching u chess, u can pick it up slowly.
9) consequently, when u lose the next 6 games to him, u start being a sore loser and insist on a trade off when he tries to claim his pawns. they dun work.
10) your frens whom u thought would be great frens are actually not what they seem to be.
11) it makes u wonder what happened.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
there's nothing to write.
how boring.
haruhi suzumiya must have it easier than i am.
or maybe she's as bored as i am.
i dun wanna go back to yesterday.
but sometimes i want to.
especially now.
i'm beginning to feel that what i am doing now is not a good thing.
i need a clean break.
from everyone.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
imagine remembering just what was it u kept missing in your life.
the most underrated things
like cold water on your skin.
like the smell of pizza with hot melting cheese.
like the comfort of your friends
like the smell of laundry
like the feel of warmth when u wear clothes stright from the dryer.
like the laugh of a loved one, the one whom you're willing to spend the rest of your life with....
like just being happy, and watching your family and yourself for that one brief moment of happiness, be free and content, without any woes, material desires or anger towards each other......
like being alive.
that's the most underrated thing.
Friday, November 14, 2008
new dream from Fiona which I, along with my other frens, starred in!
However, it was a bit I’m going to use my own style to make it into a skit!
Fiona: Jigsaw.
Melvin: Gets killed off first, because he was screaming
Joyce: Two ice blocks killed her off
Laurent: Extreme blood loss
Me: I have no idea....
Scene: Extremely dank looking bathroom. Makes u wonder if the guy had money to build all those gadgets, why he couldn’t have gotten us a cooler room.....
(All four of us, placed in the bathroom floor. Laurent’s on his side, Melvin’s sitting against the wall next to him, Joyce face up, lying on her back, arms straight out, and me, looking stupid with my free fall position, between her and Laurent. Not chained up, mind u, just that we look stupidly unconscious)
Joyce: Ow......hey, wait a minute, where are we? And why are we here?
Melvin: Shouldn't have gone out drinking all those vodka shots...wait....where's zouk? Did they renovate or something?
Joyce: Melvin?
M: Yeah, tt's drop dead gorgeous me! I...wait, why are u here? (Looks around) why are they here too?
J: Somehow this is slightly reminiscent ...where have I seen this before?
M; we're not going to think properly until we get the others up...
(Wakes idiots up)
Laurent: Good Morning, mom...Strawberry Shortcake? Chocolate mousse? Boy, u guys look rather uglier when u turn into humans....wait...that doesn't even make sense..
J: it’s us, lah, and wake up!
Champa/me: I’m not dead! I’m not dead! I'm just pining for the fjords! I.....Norway is not what I expected....
M: can u two wake up?
L: wait...this looks familiar...
J: You think so too, right?
C: I wonder whose sick idea was this to put us in this situation....
J: Look, a recorder! There’s a tape inside!
M: maybe it’s a new Mariah Carey tape! Put it on!
L: why on earth Mariah carey....look Melvin, in this situation, they wouldn't play Mariah carey!
M: (presses play, listens for a bit)....yes it is Mariah carey! And even better, it’s the ken lee song!!!
C: Wait, I think I saw this on a movie once...
L: You too?
J: I know who did this!!
C; that was quick.
M: ken lee.....weennn living izz without chuuu........
J: but if it is who I think it is....Melvin, u better shut up first!!U’re falling to her trap!
M: (IGNORING HER) ken lee.....
J: look, whoever put us together knows that we are frens, and there's no way this person would not put in a Mariah carey tape without a more sinister purpose...
C: if you mean...
M: (still ignoring them) ken lee....
L: wait, the person knows that Melvin loves to sing this song, thus... it’s one of us!
J: everyone knows that Melvin loves this song....
L: Good point...
J: anyway, if this is who I think it is, we got to be careful....anything we do would set off traps in this place!
(A gun pops out, aims at Melvin, and shoots out needles within seconds. Melvin screams, setting off more needles to shoot at him and he falls over, dead. Well you would be, if u had needles sticking out of your body. Unless its acupuncture)
(The rest are a bit shocked)
L: Like that one?
J: yeah, something likes that.
C: That’s got to hurt.
L: The tape’s stopping...
J: no it isn’t....
(Tape turns to sinister laughter, somewhat eerily familiar)
Lady Jigsaw/ Fiona: You like that?....Hello, Joyce, Laurent and Champa....I see you might have seen how your friend Melvin might have died, and thus, this shall serve as your warning...
C: You know what; I’m real frightened right now.
L: sarcastically or literally?
C: Both.
LJ: I thought u might say that....thus, the next test...
C: how the hell did u know I’ll say that?
J: u says that all the time.
C: good point.
LJ: I want to play a game-
J: U say that all the time too...
LJ: Would u let me finish?!
J: Relax can! on earth did she know tt?
Lj: I want to play a game.... You have until 6 o’clock to play it, once it reaches six the door would be sealed closed and you’ll never be able to get out of here.
C: Wait....did u say door? I heard u say door.
L: I think it’s fairly obvious by now that this person is actually Fiona......
LJ: It’s Lady Jigsaw!!!! LADY JIGSAW!!!!!
C: She’s got issues, alright...
J: Okay, now explain why we are here....
LJ: I want to play a game.
C: U already said that....
C: I’m just saying!
L: (hits Champa on the head once) Okay, we shut her up. Continue.
Lj: I want to play a game. You have until 6 o’clock to play it, once it reaches six the door would be sealed closed and you’ll never be able to get out of here. Look around. Know that I'm not lying. You better hurry up. Live or die. Make your choice. Listen carefully, if you will; there are rules.
J: well okay, then. Tell us.
(Minute of silence)
LJ: U just ruined the perfect cliff-hanger!! Argh!! Why can't I really be jigsaw?!
originally, i wanted to put it in a skit, but it got a bit long, so i'm gonna put it in episodes. think of it as my happy hobby for the next few days....
i better hurry up and finish up the episodes....there are rules..
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Another player with the slick trigger finger
For Her Majesty
Another one with the golden tone voice
Poisoning your fantasy
Another bill from a killer
Turned a thriller into a tragedy
A door left open
A woman walking by
A drop in the water
A look in the eye
A phone on the table
A man on your side
Oh, someone that you think that you can trust
Is just
Another way to die
Another tricky little gun
Giving solace to the one
That will never see the sunshine
Another inch of your life sacrificed for your brother,
In the nick of time
Another dirty money “heaven sent honey”,
Turning on a dime
Well, a door left open
A woman walking by
A drop in the water
A look in the eye
A phone on the table
A man on your side
Someone that you think that you can trust
Is just
Another way to die
Hey! Another way to die!
(Another way to die…)
Shoot ‘em, bang bang!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh…
Hey hey hey!
Another girl with her finger
On the world singing too
Don’t you wanna hear?
Another gun thrown down and surrendered
Took away your fear
Another man that stands right behind you
Looking in the mirror
Oh, a door left open
A woman walking by
A drop in the water
A look in the eye
A phone on the table
A man on your side
Someone that you think that you can trust
Is just
Another way to die
It’s another way!
Shoot ’em up, bang bang!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
(Another way, another way…)
(Another way, another way)
- Another Way To Die, Alicia Keyes and Jack White.Read my lips, This song is actually very very addictive. after watching the music video at gor's place...i got a bit happy, and started eating more spaghetti.
So anyway, i spent yesterday at gor's place, cause he needed the company. so we bought food and cooked ( definition being, he throws the boiled spaghetti in hot oil and screams, while i laugh at him at the table while drinking my milk tea.)
anyway, we spent a day in his house doing normal teenagers stuff. its fun hanging out with him....he lets me eat ice cream and i finished off half a tub.
i spent today in a bit of a slacking stupor....didn't go and meet the gang.
shame really. i heard they attended an exibihtion on smuggling....
i am sad .
note: i actually wrote this post yesterday, when i was tired and forgot to publish it.
ah well. stupid as i am...
should be going off to study now, but still here talking to yj...
life is sad. but for a good reason.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Loads of weird stuff happened....
firstly,pw is done!
( and thus, there was much rejoicing....yes i'm quoting monty python. there are so many weird things that happened that monty python is now best suited to my mood of telling stories.)
but [boy was it a bit horrible, that day of pw.
firstly, i woke up
really realy really early to go to school with gor so that i can go and view his presentation . ahahahaha yeah, was darn tired by the end of that day...
so anyway, was watching gor's presentation, which went really well.except for these few , rather cute things....
1) isabella, while giving her speech, had to recite a poem that went...
The silence depressed me.
It wasnt the silence of the silence,
but my own silence
unfortunately, the lack of sleep kinda got to me, so i found the repeition of silence hilarious....but trying my best not to make isabella nervous, i trieed to shut up.....didn't really work...cause isa caught my expression and giggled ...nervously...
she killed me after that, dun worry too much about it
2) melvin sounding like a horse when reciting his poem...
made me laugh a bit, and wonder why he was one of my good frens
3) joyce's question: what is the importance of the internet in this project?
Joyce's mind theatre...
trekkie monster: the internet is for porn....the internet is for porn....
this, according to her, went on while she was thinking of how to answer the question.
( the trekkie monster isa character from avenue q...i wanna watch!)
then , cause my sadist leader geran wouldn't let me watch anyone else's ..i couldn't watch laurent's one.
but then again, luckily fiona, joyce and melvin went for his...
then it turn.
it went okay. until the question and answer session...
" a failed politician like jbj is not a good example for the youth to follow.. do you agree?"
me: um....
mind theatre:
dressed in leather trench coat, cool boots, and sunglasses, i take out my bazooka ala sougo okita from gintama and aims it at mr yew, asking the questions....
me: die you idiot!ah......
the next one just included me throwing oranges.
however, i was scared nuts...
cause melvin and laurent weren't there...
scared the freaking hell out of me..
so anyway, after the thing, we went to find them, and just when i was about to complain why they weren't there............
melvin: sorry, but i got news that i might be retained, cause i didn't take the math paper for a level.
inner mind theatre:
me, standing in the middle of the artic, while all my frens get onto a boat and sail away......
me: u can't leave me here alone!!!
they: there's still laurent~!!
( turns to look at laurent....who is indeed the only one besides me left to go onto the terrible journey alone..... he looks like a giant snowman,the angry kind.)
me: oh bollocksdarn my imagination.
anyway, for the rest of the day, we emoed a bit, laughed abit, watched a bit of porn a bit, and bitched a bit....
melvin's putting a case together to fight it out tomorrow. we're coming for support....
but enough about that.....
let's party.
( inner mind theatre...
me, dressed as okita sougo again, with the bazooka..)
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
today was math day.
I'm dead
laurent and i went a bit insane before the paper. before walking in, i started," enjoy your breskfast..."
L: For tonight...
oh good god. i have gone insane.
anyway, i had absolute headache over this math paper. why is life so miserable....
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Would you mind if i hurt you?
understand that i need to....
wish i had other choices...
than to hurt the one i love.....
what have i done now?
i know i better stop trying, you know that there's no denying, i won't show mercy on me now....
i know i should stop believing, i know there's no retrieving.....
its's over now....
what have i done?
suckity suckity suck suck suck...
the skies are a mesmerising lightish brown today.
nightfall has fallen...( well duh.) and the air has that fresh cool feel of someone who has thrown a bucket of water over herself....( considering that i was running in the rain just now, i think i might know why.....hahahahahaha).
been hanging out with the clique for studying. its fun, though a tad tiring. especially when playing snatch the sheep from fiona and the game of weird animals...( its pretty simple, the first is trying to snatch the sheep strawberry shortcake from fiona, and the second is a concentration game where u have to act like a certain animal or you'll lose. if u do the animal wrongly while bombing someone, u lose. consequently, i've been banging my head against the wall cause i have this tendency to make certain animals turn into weird hand gestures which makes everyone laugh at me.)
my friend laxman was surprisingly the one who had came up with some advice which i am almost ready to take on....
problem is, i'm too scared to do so.
why must she be so unapproachable?
she scares the hell out of me!
( pushes tamaki suuoh aside and hangs out in the corner)
* whimpers....
rhiannon: this is so you....champa: oh shut up, if i wanna whine, i will whine. alter egos need not bother.
rhiannon: * rolls eyes*anyway, i saw this on my friend's blog, so i shall comment on it as soon as possible...can't believe i forgot about this one.....
time: somewhere in the afternoon. i know, so unspecific, but whatever.
place: outram mrt station , while trying to find the way to get to chinatown.
the players: yamawaro( laurent), The minister mentor ( kar yee ), alegria (fiona), amelia earhart( joyce ), and enma ai ( me)
( at this point, i shall like to bring up the fact that i love jigoku shoujo and i dun mean any disrespect please dun send me to hell, enma ai)
we were just trying our best to get to the escalator when we , being the fun loving people that we are and of light mind and spirit, accidently jostle against a young guy who couldn't be that much older than us... carrying an LV messenger bag ( *cough*melvin*cough*) and dressed in black. admittedly, he looked good, and we had apologized to him with sincerity .
the sincerity kinda left after the guy opened his mouth...
' fucked up students'
( i can hear you guys go," oh no he didn't! he so did not do that!")
yeap, he said it.
in front of us.
when u have one tracker who has spent a lot of time refining her leg power, a pilot wannabe, a military junkie who is a crazy insane drummer, a future politician, and a violent psychopath with anger management problems, you would have thought we wouldn't have let him go off like that without a fight.
unfortunately we did. ( what ? you were expecting a punchout? we'll do that once we get transported out of singapore.)
i have nothing to say, except ....get out of town.
i have nothing except for contempt and pity towards you.
you, obviously, have forgotten how it was like to be a student...maybe in your case, cause you act so high and mighty..u have forgotten...
let's analyse this , shall we?
asian male, 18- early 20s.wears his hair well, with black long sleeved collar shirt and jeans...carries a LV messenger bag.... has a girlfren who he doesn't walk with, instead walking forward infront of her while she walks behind him, easly cause the girl is tiny....the girl's dressed well too, but she's so tiny and thin....
the guy's wants to act as a rich kid, or is a rich kid. the way he strides indicates that he's confident in what he does and doesn't expect ppl to defy that. the way he walks in front of his gf , indicates he may have contempt for his girlfriend and he's dominant over her....the girl's submissive to him .he doesn't hold others in high regard and think everyone beneath him....
this guy is a bit asshole like....
thus, laurent and i came up with this funny convo which can be put up in a 5 min sketch...
AssholeGuy : You better not eat this , you better not eat that! you'll get fat , and i hate fat girlfriends!
EmanciateGal : Yes dear....
AG: You should eat lettuce...or grass! Like my pet goat Elvira! Now there was a girl prettier than you were! so thin, so prettyy....then i had to put her down cause she suffered from ....what's that called? Malnutrition....
EG: Oh please, tell me how i can be your one and only!
AG: that's more like it....act like my slave! and we can find more students and say that they are more fucked up than the ones we just walked past!
EG: but i thought they seemed nice...especially that guy with the big eyes and the big butt....
AG: Look, i can get girls prettier than you, understand! i can even get a ho and make u watch me with her!even that girl with the big eyes and the weird curly hair that we just saw looked nicer than you did!
EG: OH no!
AG: OH yes!
A random llama then comes over, and bites him. when he's done eating him up, the llama goes, " i liked the part when he stopped moving." and walks off singing," i've got a lovely bunch of coconuts"
Like it?!
random shit sia!!!!
but still funny ... and very evil of the guy....
if only if i can get enma on him....
nah i still have to go to hell after that. no use then.