i love this video of charlie the unicorn ...watching the poor unicorn and his insane unicorn frens who ineveitably trick him into something was my main interest yesterday. kept laughing and singing his name.... my frens are being driven nuts by me singing and reenacting parts of the show, especially the part when he's on the bridge . somehow everyone found that creepy, but i happened to think that it was funny.
today was a bit scary. i was sent by my wise looking but in actual fact scary economics teacher to attend a motivational talk for econs, to help those who are not doing well, " but have the potential to do so", making us not part of the riff raff who a)are doing reasonably well in the subject or b) not worth the amount of advice given.
dun get me wrong. i was actually okay with being sent over with my other students, but when it takes too long that i have to rush to the bathroom soon after, i get jittery and get really excited to run out. why can't everyone give lectures like Mr Sameul Wong? needless to say, i was getting grumpy cause my bladder was full, nervous cause my bladder was full, and ready to run out to get to drama , which i was already delayed for by an hour , because i was getting impatient ( and my bladder was full).
you can get an excuse for anything if your bladder is full.
so anyway, drama was fun. for those of you who were in the room when i was shouting out commands and army berating, pls excuse me . the volume tune up today was due to me deciding that shouting was very good to vent my anger, and thanks to that , i actually feel better. if only they would allow that smash shack to open business in singapore, i guarantee a busy day for everyday.
okay, so being on the highest social ladder ( pre u 3) of the school, u tend to get irritated by some kids. and for some reason there's been a whole bunch of them getting on my nerves. i really want my peaceful school back, and one which does not mean crowding around my toilet. even trying to queue for food is scary. some of them are great kids, i have to admit, but the others just make me wanna pull a charlie on them and steal their kidneys, seeling them off the net and making money, enough for an ipod touch ( with fantastic memory) and my books. the new tamora pierce is out, but since its a hardcover, its also freaking expensive,and believe me , i've got a lot of things to pay for beisdes this. so, their kidneys must go. bwahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahhaahahahhahaah. ah, its good to laugh.
its funny how prejudice can get you nowhere. just today, i found myself avoiding ppl that are usually my frens cause of one simple fact: i couldn't look at them in the eyes. funny part is, it happened before, but with other ppl,and they;re not my frens, so i seriously wonder the implications of my emotions this time.perhaps its an instinct telling me that all is not right with my feelings towards them, and i need a serious break from them, before i go insane and run around with a spork in my bag, screaming, " my scepter, my scepter!" . i dun really wanna end up like charlie, what with my insane frens making me do things and then in the end ripping me off. i dun want that, so i shouldn't think that way.
argh, post is getting all gloomy again, lets try it better.
Charlie....charlie!! chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga shoe shoe!!!!!!!
hey, its not my fault, i'm just insane
about me
I am : Inane, Insane, Indelicate, In Depression, In Melancholy, In Happiness.....IT'S ALL ABOUT THE I.
Champa Ha, otherwise known as Rhiannon Merlin.
Avid Fan of Hetalia , Yaoi, reading, Prussia and Canada,Music, Monty Python, cool lines and everything that's cold.
Strong believer of Magic and witchcraft, and knows that she can be irritating and insane.
Now, before you get cursed by the Knights who say "Ni", yell that you're pining for the Fjords 100x